Diamond Scooters, Inc. Customer FAQ

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What is Diamond Scooters, Inc.'s Phone Number?

The question we are asked most often is about how to talk to Diamond Scooters, Inc. customer service. Click here for contact information, email and chat options, getting a live person, wait times and more.

Can I test ride a Diamond Scooter before purchasing?

Yes, customers are welcome to test ride a Diamond Scooter before purchasing. We understand the importance of trying out our products...
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Weight Limit

What is the maximum weight limit for Diamond Scooters?

The maximum weight limit for Diamond Scooters is 300 pounds. Our scooters are designed to safely accommodate users of varying sizes...


How fast do Diamond Scooters go?

Diamond Scooters are designed to provide a safe and efficient means of transportation. Our scooters have a maximum speed of 20 miles...

Battery Life

What is the battery life of a Diamond Scooter?

The battery life of a Diamond Scooter varies depending on several factors such as terrain, weight of the rider, speed, and usage. On...

Weather Resistance

Can I use a Diamond Scooter in the rain?

Yes, Diamond Scooters are designed to be weather-resistant, including light rain. However, it is important to exercise caution when...

Charging Time

How long does it take to fully charge a Diamond Scooter?

It typically takes around 3 to 4 hours to fully charge a Diamond Scooter. However, the exact charging time may vary slightly depending...


What is the warranty period for Diamond Scooters?

The warranty period for Diamond Scooters is one year from the date of purchase. Within this timeframe, we provide coverage for any...


Are the scooters foldable for easy storage?

Yes, the scooters offered by Diamond Scooters, Inc. are foldable for easy storage. We understand the importance of convenience and...


Can I take a Diamond Scooter on public transportation?

Yes, Diamond Scooters are designed to be easily portable and are allowed on most forms of public transportation. Their compact size...

Security Features

Do Diamond Scooters come with a lock or security features?

Yes, Diamond Scooters come equipped with advanced lock and security features to ensure the safety of our customers' scooters. Each...

Replacement Parts

Are replacement parts available for Diamond Scooters?

Yes, Diamond Scooters offers a wide range of replacement parts for their scooters. We understand that wear and tear is inevitable,...

Return/Exchange Policy

What is the return/exchange policy for Diamond Scooters?

Our return/exchange policy at Diamond Scooters is designed to ensure customer satisfaction. If for any reason you are not completely...

Test Ride

Can I test ride a Diamond Scooter before purchasing?

Yes, customers are welcome to test ride a Diamond Scooter before purchasing. We understand the importance of trying out our products...

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