Design Connection, LLC Customer FAQ

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What is Design Connection, LLC's Phone Number?

The question we are asked most often is about how to talk to Design Connection, LLC customer service. Click here for contact information, email and chat options, getting a live person, wait times and more.

Does Design Connection, LLC handle both interior and exterior design?

Yes, Design Connection, LLC is a full-service design firm that handles both interior and exterior design projects. With our expertise...
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Services Offered

What services does Design Connection, LLC offer?

Design Connection, LLC offers a wide range of services tailored to meet the design needs of residential and commercial clients. We...

Remote Work

Can Design Connection, LLC work on projects remotely?

Yes, Design Connection, LLC offers remote design services for projects. We understand the importance of accessibility for clients in...

Project Timeframe

What is the typical timeframe for completing a design project?

The typical timeframe for completing a design project varies depending on the scope and complexity of the project. At Design Connection,...


How much does Design Connection, LLC charge for their services?

Design Connection, LLC offers a range of services tailored to meet individual design needs, making it difficult to provide a specific...


Does Design Connection, LLC offer any discounts or promotions?

Yes, Design Connection, LLC offers discounts and promotions to their clients. We understand the value of providing cost-effective solutions...

Design Process

What is the design process followed by Design Connection, LLC?

At Design Connection, LLC, we follow a comprehensive and collaborative design process to ensure the best results for our clients. Our...

Project Type

Can Design Connection, LLC help with both residential and commercial projects?

Yes, Design Connection, LLC can assist with both residential and commercial projects. With our experienced and versatile team of designers,...

Materials Provided

Are the design materials and furnishings provided by Design Connection, LLC?

Yes, Design Connection, LLC provides a wide range of design materials and furnishings. Our team of skilled designers sources and selects...


Can Design Connection, LLC provide referrals for contractors or suppliers?

Yes, Design Connection, LLC can provide referrals for contractors and suppliers. We have an extensive network of trusted professionals...

Designer Expertise

What is the experience and expertise of the designers at Design Connection, LLC?

At Design Connection, LLC, our designers possess extensive experience and expertise in the field of interior design. With years of...

Scope of Work

Does Design Connection, LLC handle both interior and exterior design?

Yes, Design Connection, LLC is a full-service design firm that handles both interior and exterior design projects. With our expertise...

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