
Debt Help 101 Customer FAQ

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What is Debt Help 101's Phone Number?

The question we are asked most often is about how to talk to Debt Help 101 customer service. Click here for contact information, email and chat options, getting a live person, wait times and more.

Can I negotiate with creditors on my own without debt help?

Yes, you can negotiate with creditors on your own without professional debt help. Negotiating directly with creditors is possible and...
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Debt Basics

What is debt?

Debt refers to the amount of money or obligation that an individual or entity owes to another party. It is typically incurred when...

Debt Help Options

What are the different options for debt help?

There are several options available for debt help. The first option is debt consolidation, which involves combining multiple debts...

Required Information

What information do I need to provide to a debt help agency?

When seeking assistance from a debt help agency, you will typically be required to provide various information. Firstly, you will need...

Debt Management Plan

What is a debt management plan?

A debt management plan (DMP) is a program designed to assist individuals in managing and repaying their debts. It is offered by credit...

Can I still use my credit cards while on a debt management plan?

Yes, it is generally possible to still use your credit cards while enrolled in a debt management plan (DMP). However, there are a few...

What happens if I miss a payment on my debt management plan?

If you miss a payment on your debt management plan, it can have various consequences. Firstly, it may negatively impact your credit...

Credit Score

Will getting debt help affect my credit score?

Getting debt help can potentially affect your credit score, but the impact will depend on the specific debt help option you choose....

Debt Repayment Time

How long does it take to get out of debt with debt help?

The time it takes to get out of debt with debt help can vary depending on individual circumstances. Factors such as the amount of debt,...

Debt Consolidation

Is debt help the same as debt consolidation?

No, debt help and debt consolidation are not the same. Debt help refers to a range of strategies and services designed to assist individuals...

Negotiating with Creditors

Can I negotiate with creditors on my own without debt help?

Yes, you can negotiate with creditors on your own without professional debt help. Negotiating directly with creditors is possible and...

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