Computer Sciences Corp. Customer FAQ

Top Answers & How-to Guides

What is Computer Sciences Corp.'s Phone Number?

The question we are asked most often is about how to talk to Computer Sciences Corp. customer service. Click here for contact information, email and chat options, getting a live person, wait times and more.

Can I request a demo or trial of Computer Sciences Corp.'s products?

Yes, you can request a demo or trial of Computer Sciences Corp.'s products. We understand the importance of evaluating a product before...
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What services does Computer Sciences Corp. offer?

Computer Sciences Corp. (CSC) offers a wide range of services in the field of Information Technology. As a global leader in technology...

Does Computer Sciences Corp. provide cloud computing solutions?

Yes, Computer Sciences Corp. (CSC) offers cloud computing solutions. As a leading provider of technology services and solutions, CSC...

Does Computer Sciences Corp. offer data analytics services?

Yes, Computer Sciences Corp. (CSC) offers data analytics services. As a leading global provider of IT services and solutions, CSC recognizes...

Company Information

How long has Computer Sciences Corp. been in business?

Computer Sciences Corp. (CSC) has been in business since its inception in 1959. With over six decades of experience, CSC has established...

What industries does Computer Sciences Corp. serve?

Computer Sciences Corp. (CSC) serves a diverse range of industries across the globe. As a leading provider of information technology...


Can Computer Sciences Corp. assist with cybersecurity?

Yes, Computer Sciences Corp. (CSC) specializes in providing comprehensive cybersecurity services and solutions. With their expertise...

Is Computer Sciences Corp. involved in artificial intelligence research?

Yes, Computer Sciences Corp. (CSC) is actively involved in artificial intelligence (AI) research. As a leading global IT services and...


What are the pricing options for Computer Sciences Corp.'s services?

Computer Sciences Corp. offers flexible pricing options tailored to meet the diverse needs of our clients. Our pricing is determined...

Support and Training

Does Computer Sciences Corp. offer training and support for their solutions?

Yes, Computer Sciences Corp. offers comprehensive training and support for their solutions. They understand the importance of equipping...

Can I request a demo or trial of Computer Sciences Corp.'s products?

Yes, you can request a demo or trial of Computer Sciences Corp.'s products. We understand the importance of evaluating a product before...

Case Studies

Are there any case studies or success stories available for Computer Sciences Corp.?

Yes, Computer Sciences Corp. (CSC) provides numerous case studies and success stories highlighting their achievements. These resources...

Help me with my Computer Sciences Corp. customer service issue

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