Child Custody Evaluation Services, Inc. Customer FAQ

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What is Child Custody Evaluation Services, Inc.'s Phone Number?

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Is the information gathered during the evaluation confidential?

Yes, the information gathered during the evaluation is strictly confidential. Child Custody Evaluation Services, Inc. understands the...
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What is Child Custody Evaluation Services, Inc.?

Child Custody Evaluation Services, Inc. is a specialized organization providing comprehensive evaluations for child custody cases....


What is the purpose of a child custody evaluation?

The purpose of a child custody evaluation is to provide unbiased and comprehensive information about the children's best interests...


How long does a child custody evaluation typically take?

The duration of a child custody evaluation typically varies based on several factors. On average, the evaluation process can take between...


Who conducts the child custody evaluations?

Child Custody Evaluation Services, Inc. employs a team of highly qualified and experienced professionals who conduct child custody...

Information Gathering

What information is typically gathered during a child custody evaluation?

During a child custody evaluation, several types of information are typically gathered to make informed custody recommendations. This...

Factors Considered

What are the factors that are considered during a child custody evaluation?

During a child custody evaluation, several factors are taken into consideration. These typically include the child's age, physical...

Recommendations Determination

How are the recommendations for custody determined?

The recommendations for custody are determined through a comprehensive and objective evaluation process. Our team of highly qualified...


What is the cost of a child custody evaluation?

The cost of a child custody evaluation varies depending on the specific case and the services required. At Child Custody Evaluation...

Evaluator Request

Can I request a specific evaluator for my case?

Yes, you have the right to request a specific evaluator for your child custody case. At Child Custody Evaluation Services, Inc., we...

Binding Recommendations

Are the recommendations from the child custody evaluation binding?

No, the recommendations from Child Custody Evaluation Services, Inc. are not binding. Our evaluations are designed to provide expert,...

Appeal Process

Can I appeal the recommendations of the child custody evaluation?

Yes, you can appeal the recommendations of the child custody evaluation. At Child Custody Evaluation Services, Inc., we understand...


Is the information gathered during the evaluation confidential?

Yes, the information gathered during the evaluation is strictly confidential. Child Custody Evaluation Services, Inc. understands the...

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