Alliance International Logistics Co Ltd Customer FAQ

Top Answers & How-to Guides

What is Alliance International Logistics Co Ltd's Phone Number?

The question we are asked most often is about how to talk to Alliance International Logistics Co Ltd customer service. Click here for contact information, email and chat options, getting a live person, wait times and more.

Is Alliance International Logistics Co Ltd licensed and insured?

Yes, Alliance International Logistics Co Ltd is a licensed and insured company. We understand the importance of credibility and accountability...
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Tracking Shipment

How can I track my shipment?

To track your shipment, you can utilize our online tracking system on our website. Simply enter your tracking number provided to you...

Services Offered

What services does Alliance International Logistics Co Ltd offer?

Alliance International Logistics Co Ltd offers a comprehensive range of logistics services to fulfill diverse customer needs. Our core...


Where is Alliance International Logistics Co Ltd located?

Alliance International Logistics Co Ltd is centrally located in the heart of the bustling city of Shanghai, China. Our strategically...

Working Hours

What are the working hours of Alliance International Logistics Co Ltd?

The working hours of Alliance International Logistics Co Ltd may vary depending on the specific department or service required. Generally,...

Transportation Modes

What are the available modes of transportation for shipping goods?

Alliance International Logistics Co Ltd offers a variety of modes of transportation for shipping goods, catering to the diverse needs Sea freight is a popular choice for shipping large quantities of goods or bulky items across long distances. It is cost-effective and allows for the transportation of goods in containers. Air freight, on the other hand, is the quickest mode of transportation, ideal for urgent or time-sensitive shipments. It offers fast delivery and reliable service, albeit at a higher cost. For shipments within a region or a country, we offer land transportation, which includes road freight and rail freight options. Road freight offers flexibility and connectivity to remote areas, while rail freight is suitable for large-scale transportation and intercontinental logistics. At Alliance International Logistics Co Ltd, we work closely with our clients to determine the most suitable mode of transportation that meets their specific shipping requirements....

Delivery Time

What is the estimated delivery time for international shipments?

The estimated delivery time for international shipments by Alliance International Logistics Co Ltd may vary depending on various factors....


Does Alliance International Logistics Co Ltd offer insurance for shipments?

Yes, Alliance International Logistics Co Ltd offers comprehensive insurance coverage for shipments. We understand the importance of...

Hazardous Materials

Can I ship hazardous materials with Alliance International Logistics Co Ltd?

Yes, Alliance International Logistics Co Ltd offers hazardous materials shipping services. We understand the importance of safely transporting...

Payment Methods

What are the accepted payment methods for shipping services?

At Alliance International Logistics Co Ltd, we offer flexible and secure payment options for our shipping services. We understand the...

Warehousing Services

Does Alliance International Logistics Co Ltd offer warehousing and storage services?

Yes, Alliance International Logistics Co Ltd offers comprehensive warehousing and storage services to meet our clients' diverse needs....

Licensing and Insurance

Is Alliance International Logistics Co Ltd licensed and insured?

Yes, Alliance International Logistics Co Ltd is a licensed and insured company. We understand the importance of credibility and accountability...

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