
Classmates.com Customer FAQ

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What is Classmates.com's Phone Number?

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How Do I Delete Photos from an Album on Classmates.com?

Deleting Classmates.com photos is simple to do with only a few clicks. Whether you intend to update your album or free some space,...

How Do I Change the School Associated with My Classmates.com Account?

The requirements for creating a Classmates.com account include your name, email address, birthday, and graduation date. You will also...
Ask any question you have about Classmates.com customer service, get an answer now.

Recent Classmates.com Customer Questions

How do I change my year from 1963 to 1964

To change your graduation year on Classmates.com, follow these steps: 1. First, login into your account. 2. Next, click on your name at the top right corner of the page. 3. Then, select 'Profile' from the drop down menu. 4. Now, click on the 'Edit' button that's located near your school name and graduation year. 5. Here, you can change your graduation year from 1963 to 1964. Remember to save these changes once done. This will update your graduation year on your profile and allow you to connect with alumni from 1964.
Asked May 29, 2024 4:05 PM

I need to delete a photo but when I click on the picture I do not see a. Trashcan icon

To delete a photo on Classmates.com, first find the photo in your own profile's photo section. Hover over the photo and you should see an option to "Edit" or a pencil icon. Click on this and you will open a new interface where you can make modifications to that picture. In this section, you should see a "Delete" button. Simply click the "Delete" button to remove the photo from your profile. If you do not see these options, it's possible that you are trying to delete a photo that you didn't upload or you may need to contact Classmates.com customer support for further assistance.
Asked May 24, 2024 2:41 PM

I purchased a 1962 Tuley HS yearbook but you charged me an extra $45.00 for an annual membership also. I want that $45.00 refunded immediately.

We're sorry to hear you were charged more than expected. It sounds like an annual membership was potentially added to your purchase. Unfortunately, as a help assistant service, we are unable to process financial transactions or changes to your account. We recommend that you directly use the “Contact Us” link or customer service tools provided on this page, which will connect you to the customer service department of Classmates.com. They should be able to assist with any billing errors or concerns.
Asked May 17, 2024 4:57 PM

unauthorize charge on my credit card by classmates.com

We're sorry to hear about this situation. As unfortunate as it is, we can't directly address account-specific details or billing issues on behalf of Classmates.com. However, if you detect an unauthorized charge, you should immediately report it to your credit card company. They typically have procedures in place to handle such situations. You should also contact Classmates.com to inform them of the situation and ensure no further unauthorized charges occur.
Asked Apr 24, 2024 12:27 AM

I canceled my membership anout 3 months ago, yet they charged me 21.60 today. April 4 2924

We're sorry to hear about the issue you're experiencing. Billing issues like the one you’ve described are typically due to an automatic renewal setting. Even if you cancel your subscription, if the automatic renewal was not turned off, you may still be charged. Your best course of action would be to directly contact Classmates.com's customer support team. They'll be able to help you resolve the billing problem and discuss any potential refunds. They can also ensure that the automatic renewal setting is turned off to prevent further charges. Please be ready with your account details when you contact them.
Asked Apr 4, 2024 11:54 PM

Help me with my Classmates.com customer service issue

Account Management

How Do I Delete Photos from an Album on Classmates.com?

Deleting Classmates.com photos is simple to do with only a few clicks. Whether you intend to update your album or free some space,...

How Do I Change the School Associated with My Classmates.com Account?

The requirements for creating a Classmates.com account include your name, email address, birthday, and graduation date. You will also...

How do I get a refund from Classmates.com?

If you cancelled your account with Classmates.com but you are still being charged, you are entitled to a refund. Here's how to get...

How do I cancel my Classmates.com membership?

Cancelling accounts can be a pain and often times companies make it overly complicated to try and frustrate you so that you'll eventually...

Social Connections

Can I connect my social media accounts to my Classmates.com profile?

Yes, you can connect your social media accounts to your Classmates.com profile. By linking your social media accounts, you can enhance...


Is there a way to search for specific classmates on Classmates.com?

Yes, there is a way to search for specific classmates on Classmates.com. Classmates.com provides a robust search feature that allows...

Mobile Access

Can I access Classmates.com on my mobile device?

Yes, you can access Classmates.com on your mobile device. Classmates.com offers a mobile app available for both iOS and Android platforms....

Membership Options

What are the different membership options available on Classmates.com?

Classmates.com offers three different membership options to cater to various needs and preferences. The first option is the Free Membership,...

Privacy Settings

Is there a way to block or remove someone from contacting me on Classmates.com?

Yes, there is a way to block or remove someone from contacting you on Classmates.com. To maintain a safe and positive experience, Classmates.com...

Are there any privacy settings I can adjust on my Classmates.com account?

Yes, there are privacy settings available on Classmates.com for users to adjust. These settings allow users to control the visibility...

Groups & Communities

Can I create a group or community on Classmates.com?

Yes, you can create a group or community on Classmates.com. Creating a group allows you to connect and engage with other users who...

Yearbook Feature

What is the Classmates.com Yearbook feature?

The Classmates.com Yearbook feature is an online platform that allows users to browse and view their high school yearbook online. It...
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